
“J’aime que mes collections soient le reflet d’une philosophie de vie. Une philosophie qui puiserait son énergie entre bien être et esthétisme. Cet équilibre de vie, je le trouve tout particulièrement à Sydney, l’Australie est à l’origine de la naissance de Virginie Castaway et reste pour moi le berceau de mon inspiration. Assurance, spontanéité, raffinement et sensualité sont les mots qui me viennent à l’esprit pour définir la personnalité de la marque. ”
Welcome in my world !!

Virginie xx





Høsten nærmer seg enten vi vil eller ikke! Heldigvis har vi masse moro på lur- flere nye merker kommer til LilleDe på Vinderen! Et av dem er det franske merket Virgine Castaway. Vi gleder oss STORT til dette!

Virginie Neumann have studied in the field of fashion but majored in the commercial/marketing aspect of the field rather than creative design.
Her passion for travelling took her to Australia. It was for her, the beginning of a second life. This is when the brand virginie castaway was born in 2006.
Far from landmarks and habits, she founds in the wildness of Australia the energy that had always pushed her to draw.
With such inspiration, things happened naturally: her first collection in Australia included gowns and kimonos, a small collection that was well received.
Back in Paris in 2007, she wanted to pursue the experience by making more complex pieces that proved successful in the market place.


Her ser du noen inspirasjonsbilder fra hennes sommerkolleksjon 2014- enjoy….

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